“Whatever you can do,
or dream you can,
begin it.
Boldness has genius,
power, and
magic in it.”
Construction at Mountain Gate
Mountain Gate-Sanmonji has embarked upon an exciting and ambitious expansion project to double the size of the temple facilities.
The addition is important for many reasons. Besides allowing more space for sesshin participants and women veterans who attending the Regaining Balance retreats, it will also add a handicap-accessible bathroom. Especially important is the fact that adding a second storey to the existing building will eliminate problems with the current roof which has led to deterioration of an exterior supporting wall.
When Mountain Gate’s main building was built there was only enough money to build the zendo, a bathroom, the teacher’s quarters, a storage closet, and two bedrooms for sesshin participants. Thanks to the generosity of the Rochester Zen Center in providing a mortgage, we were able to purchase the property next door, which added a small house trailer with a built-on addition. That serves as our kitchen, dining hall, Kannon Room, and more sleeping space.
But, house trailers are not built to last, and this one is far past its wear life. “An accident waiting to happen” is how a local repair expert described it. In addition, the trailer is not particularly close to the main building. In inclement weather, or after dark, the hike to the kitchen can be dangerous. Thus, this addition to the main building is urgent. While we did without a kitchen and dining room for many years—cooking in a shed without running water—with increased participation in sesshins and retreats, it has become more urgent to upgrade and expand our facilities.
The first phase of the construction is well underway, and we look forward to someday having a completed facility with accommodation for more people, including people with disabilities. If you would like to help us realize our goal, we would be deeply grateful for your support. More information about giving is on the donations page. For up-to-the-minute photos of the construction, please check out our Facebook page.